Springtime has begun to open up over the last week in Jasper. In these times of uncertainty, fear, and doubt, I found it meditative and therapeutic to take and edit these macro photographs yesterday on the hills behind our house. When too much seems to be happening all at once, these glimpses at some of the smaller cycles of life are reassuring in their forms and geometries, and refreshing for the soul.

When looking closer into the world around us I am reminded that so many cycles and processes are unfolding constantly. Much of what we see, feel, and experience arises within us a desire to control and to understand. We wish to bring sense and order to that which seems chaotic or out of our control. Just as the earth lives and breathes with ease, unfolding its many manifestations of life around us, so to do we move through cycles and forces far bigger than us. Seeing the beauty and perfection in these smaller aspects of life, I am reminded to breathe and let go, and allow peace to flow through me with the reminder that some things are outside of our control; and to trust that it is better this way.
The earth created my mind, and so it is outside of my mental capacity to fully understand it. Yet my heart beats with the pulse of the earth itself, and in breathing with that pulse I can relax into the great mystery of being, and let go of control for another day.